Monday, January 01, 2007

Goodbye, 2006, Hello, 2007

Wow. Just wow. I started off with a nostalgia for the past when the clock in Times Square hit the 2007 last night on my television set. Has it really been ten years since I was a naive and excited 18 year old, getting ready to graduate high school and head off to college? Has it been almost ten years since I met my now-husband (it will be in January of next year! Gahh!)? I'm in shock. Sometimes it feels like it was yesterday. My daughter will be 7 years old this year as well. I remember 7 years ago last night, very pregnant with her, watching fireworks being shot off of the wharf in Monterey (and we had an awesome view at my dad's place back then), celebrating 2000. I don't know why my nostalgia-ometer was peaked, but it had me in amazement. 2006 whisked by before we knew it. Hell, by June when my daughter graduated kindergarten, all I could think of was, "where did the time go??". With that said, please enjoy life and realize- time is short. Spend time with those you love and let them know you love them.

Alrighty, back to business. Today marks the beginning of a new year (duhh), and also a chance to try to change things in my life once again. Last year I quit smoking after my Grandpa died. If I can do that, surely I can become healthy again. It's not just my health, it's also my academics and career. In four short weeks I will graduate from this sister school to the University of Phoenix online and have my Associates of Arts in Business. Then I will start planning ahead to go onto UoP and study towards my Bachelors degree. Two more years! That's IT. And these past two years of studying towards my Associates has flown by as it is.

As for food, I am going to make more of a point of getting more greens in our life, especially my daughter, who is starting to become less picky with salads (yay). I want us to eat and live more healthy. Normally I'm not one to skimp out on the butter, cream, or look at labels closely (because I try my hardest to not buy processed foods for this household). While I will still use butter or cream when necessary, I will use them in moderation. I will not become uber-crazy or militant, but I will be about introducing new (and healthy) foods in this household, even if my daughter throws a fit about it. I also plan on beginning a new exercise regimen by Teresa Tapp called the T-Tapp system, which I have heard nothing but good about.

So here's to 2007, and whether or not you have made (or believe in) a resolution, I wish you all nothing but a prosperous, happy and healthy new year! Cheers!


At 3:37 PM, Blogger Mazenbloo said...

Great post Jen! You have such a wonderful positive attitude about this year ahead! Awesome goals in my opinion!

At 7:16 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I was railroaded with nostalgia last night as well. My oldest "baby" will be 5 years old and will start kindergarten this year. That just seems impossible.
Don't you think time flies even faster when you add kids to the mix? You blink and they are grown!

At 10:07 PM, Blogger Madeline said...

Well we are the same age and I met my husband 10 years ago this February! I'm just behind on having kids. Darn law school.

About eating more greens - it's one of the best things I have tried to do. To get more of them, I try to mix it up with soups with kale or chard in them. But it doesn't get much better than spinach sauteed with garlic and olive oil. Mmmmm.

At 7:36 AM, Blogger wheresmymind said...

More greens? Just no broccoli! blah :P

At 3:54 PM, Blogger Jennifer said...

I hope this positive attitude keeps up! LOL! Despite taking my Cinnamon, I am craving cheeseburgers and cake for some odd reason. I don't know why but we will stick to GOOD food.

Madeline, I HATE greens. With a passion. I am such a picky eater. I can't stand cooked spinach, but I will eat it raw in my salad...same with kale and chard. I have a hard time choking greens down.


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