Saturday, October 21, 2006

Egg Nog is in da hizzouse!!!

Oh my gosh, I am so beyond thrilled. Earlier this week I treated myself to a Pumpkin Pie Latte and the lady who was making it asked me if I wanted 2% milk or EGG NOG in it, and of course, I had to opt for the Egg Nog! So today, I went by after my daughter's soccer game to see if they were making Egg Nog Lattes yet, and sure enough, they were! Huzzah!

It's that time of year again. I know some people hate Egg Nog and maybe it's an acquired taste for some, but it's something I drive my husband crazy with around this time of year. I never hear the end of it, "You and your Egg Nog!" from him. In my opinion, Egg Nog is the drink of the Gods! I can't put my finger on why, but there's a certain taste that has had me hooked since I was younger.

As for what KIND of Egg Nog, I'm thinking the storebought type. I've tried a few homemade Egg Nogs in the past and the only one I ever liked was my dad's now ex-girlfriend's homemade Egg Nog. And to this day, I do NOT like alcohol in my Egg Nog. I like it as is.

So, my sister-in-law (SIL) and myself are preparing Thanksgiving dinner, and she wants cider, so she's buying that, but I know how much her husband, my BIL, loves Egg Nog, so I will buy some Egg Nog for us to enjoy.

Here's to Egg Nog! YAY!!! :)


At 10:23 AM, Blogger wheresmymind said...

I just want booze in mine ;)

At 12:26 PM, Blogger Vinegar Martini said...

I'll have some eggnog - just put the egg and the nog on the side and I'll take the good stuff.

I know it's a holiday thing - I just cannot bring myself to ruin a good bourbon with eggnog. :)

At 5:51 PM, Blogger Jennifer said...

Ahhh J, ya lush! (JUST KIDDING! that's my warped sense of humor for ya!) I don't know, I just can't bring myself to like it with the alcohol.

Vinegar, I swear Egg Nog is an acquired taste, like Cranberry Sauce on your Thanksgiving Turkey. BLECH! LOL!

At 6:45 PM, Blogger Mazenbloo said...

Blech. I cannot stand egg nog. *shudder*

At 9:29 PM, Blogger Jennifer said...

I am telling you- it's an acquired taste! I'm almost convinced! LOL!

At 11:39 AM, Blogger Unknown said...

I can't believe you said "hizzouse"...
I bet you call your friends "home slice" too, don't you? LOL.

At 2:50 PM, Blogger Jennifer said...

Heyyy don't hate! "Home slice"? I've never heard of that one! LOL! It's usually "cuz", "homies", or "Girls". LOL.


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